Why Sikhs Abroad Express Stronger Pro-Khalistan Sentiment: Unraveling the Diaspora's Disconnect

Explore the reasons behind the heightened pro-Khalistan sentiment among Sikhs abroad compared to their counterparts in India. This article delves into the historical context, intergenerational trauma, and the role of social media in shaping perspectives. Understand the dynamics driving the vocal minority within the Sikh diaspora and its impact on global protests.

Why Sikhs Abroad Express Stronger Pro-Khalistan Sentiment: Unraveling the Diaspora's Disconnect
Why Sikhs Abroad Express Stronger Pro-Khalistan Sentiment: Unraveling the Diaspora's Disconnect

The support for Khalistan among the diaspora traces back to the 1980s and 1990s when Sikhs left India, citing oppression. Amandeep Sandhu, a journalist, highlights the intergenerational trauma faced by Sikh youth abroad, who grew up hearing stories of injustice and oppression. This has created a psychological perspective that differs from the reality seen in India today.

Social Media's Amplifying Effect

Social media plays a pivotal role in amplifying grievances and shaping the perception of an oppressive Indian state. The crackdown on Amritpal Singh's organization, coupled with internet shutdowns, contributes to the diaspora's belief in the regressive nature of India.

Minority Voices with Global Impact

Despite only a small percentage of the Sikh diaspora supporting Khalistan, their loud voices have a significant impact. Sikhs disassociating from pro-Khalistan sentiments have actively protested against such views overseas.

Generational Shift and Fading Movement

Experts note a generational shift, with second-generation Sikhs in the diaspora showing less interest in the Khalistan movement compared to their parents. Canadian journalist Terry Milewski suggests that the movement may be failing fast in the diaspora due to the new generation's lack of memory of the 1980s.

Pakistani Influence or Overstated Connection?

Speculation arises regarding Pakistani backing of Khalistan, with control over gurdwaras providing a base for separatism. However, opinions differ on the significance of current Pakistani support compared to the 1980s.

Conclusion: A Nuanced Understanding

This article provides a nuanced understanding of the factors contributing to the pro-Khalistan sentiment among Sikhs abroad. It emphasizes the importance of historical context, intergenerational perspectives, and the role of social media in shaping opinions. The diaspora's disconnect with the current reality in India is crucial in comprehending the vocal minority's impact on global protests.